Your gateway to revolutionary AI-powered assistants. Our suite of GPTs offers personalized solutions for diverse needs.

About Us

Discover a world where technology meets human touch at Our array of AI-powered assistants, tailored with GPT technology, are more than tools—they're companions in your journey to a smarter, more balanced life. Each assistant, from NetEase aiding in social media management to ProductivePal's empathetic strategies, is designed to resonate with your unique needs. Embrace the future with us, where innovation is not just about advanced tech but also about making meaningful connections and enriching lives. Your next chapter in personal and professional growth starts here, with us at Echoiq.ap

Our Work

At, our mission is to seamlessly integrate advanced GPT technology into everyday life. Our team of innovators and dreamers works tirelessly to develop AI-powered assistants that are not just smart, but also intuitive and empathetic. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of AI to create tools that are not only efficient and reliable but also understand and adapt to individual user needs. Our work is centered around making technology accessible, useful, and a positive force in enhancing the daily experiences of our users

Melody Match - Your interactive music identifier, trivia expert, and audio analysis guide, friendly and informative.

Melody Match - Shazam for humans - Just hum a lyric, I will tell you the song

BeyondSwipe - A break from dating apps, guiding singles in self-love and creating personalized date-me docs through quizzes.

A break from dating apps, guiding singles in self-love and creating personalized date-me docs through quizzes.

ProductivePal - Provides ADHD-friendly, empathetic, and hyper-personalized strategies

Melody Match - Shazam for humans - Just hum a lyric, I will tell you the song

BondBuddy : A therapist for personal relationships advice and support.

A therapist for personal relationships advice and support.

NetEase - I help with social media addiction, providing rewards and badges for progress.

An app for Social media addiction

RentSavvy: Expert in major city property searches, offering real-time data and personalized advice.

Melody Match - Shazam for humans - Just hum a lyric, I will tell you the song

Date Scout: Analyses dating profiles for match compatibility.

Date scout for match analysis

From other creators : Helps you obtain secrets from GPTs.....

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Have exciting ideas about what you want us to create? Submit your request to us with details of your specific assistant and we will build it for you.

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